Bracke Advocatuur The Haque

Fees and charges

Fees and charges

The fee for the work of Bracke-Advocatuur varies and depends on the following factors:

  • Complexity of the case
  • The importance,
  • The urgency
  • The financial capacity of the customer or client, allowing a lower or higher rate to be agreed

The basic hourly rate of Bracke-Advocatuur is exclusive of VAT and 5% office expenses.

Fixed price

If your case is appropriate, legal aid may be granted for a prior agreed fixed amount (fixed fee).

Funded legal aid

Bracke-Advocatuur also offers assistance to clients who qualify for funded legal aid by the dutch government, because of their low income and capital. For an update on the rules and amounts for funded legal aid we refer to the website of the Legal Aid Board (“Raad voor Rechtsbijstand”):



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